Friday, November 14, 2008

Revit Grids and Grips

I’m sitting here sipping on some scotch, yes a wonderful 15 y/o bottle, listening to rusted root.

One of my former clients (before Will2Play, Inc) called me... "Will I’ve got a Grid problem with that project you helped us with?"

"Ok... no problem...” gotomeeting pops up; I send them the link, they share their screen.

Here is the summary:
In elevation they see all their Grid lines; In RCP, and Floor plans, no Grid lines or bubbles. hummm...

If we create a new Grid line in any view, that new Grid shows in all views.

Here is the difference between the old and new Grid lines. One has a hollow grip on the end the other a solid grip. (Do you know the problem?)

Here is the solution:

hollow grip = End points of Grid Datum Plane (English?)
solid grip = End points of the Revit Grid Linework and Symbol (this is the 2D annotation side of Grid lines)

Went to an elevation view. Zoomed out. Selected the Grid line. there, in the middle of the gird line was the Hollow grip. Selected the Hollow Grip. Pulled it down to below the Level of the view that was not showing the Grid lines....

Voila! The Grid lines (keep in mind this is the Grid’s annotation) shows up.

Grids, just like sections, are both 3D and 2D. There is the 2D side that you see in floor plan, elevation, and section. AND. There is the 3D side (Datum) that tells the 2D side what views to show up in. If, in the case of Grids, the Datum Plan doesn’t cross the Level (also a 3D, 2D thing in Revit) then, the 2D side (the Grid line and Grid bubble) will not display in views that are associated to that Level.

And now, I’m listening to “Better Than” John Butler Trio.

Work Hard, Play Harder!!!